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Jan 02: 06:47
Happy New Year!

Jan 01: 15:43
Happy New Year everyone!

Dec 27: 00:55
Merry Christmas!

Dec 24: 21:32
Merry Christmas guys!

Nov 27: 12:30
I think you can join every race apart from the events which take place at the Rockingham track.

To join you just have to join the server on time. You can find the password for the server below this chatbox.

Good luck!

Nov 23: 14:03
Hi, I am new here, and I have some questions.
Which near races are for S2 licence and how to join them?

Nov 20: 18:45
The password is below this chatbox. It is 'practice'.

Nov 20: 18:33
when is it gonna be posted?

Nov 20: 18:25

Nov 20: 18:13
yeah under chatbox

Absolute-Beginners Discord server
Le Mans-league season 3 history
LeMans season 3 Championship

Teams Standings

# Team Pts
1 McLaren 302
2 Dutch Pole Combatants 226
3 Michalxo 208
4 Daniel 190
5 Nimee-Ei-Keksitty - Racing 136
6 Hobo Stove Racing 134
7 Tiger Express Motorsports 100
8 Tomi/pmw 62
9 All-Star Down-under Drifters 60
10 Golden Lamas 42
11 Totally Crap Racing 34
12 Team Surface Freedom 30
13 SF 30
14 Rieti Racing Team 28
15 Team Fortuna Sittard 28
16 -NM- 24
17 XCountryRacing 22
18 Muulka 22
19 Team 100% 22
20 PublicEnemy 20
21 [LSD] 20
22 GRiP Sim Racing 16

Race Results

Le Mans league season 3 race 1

Track: Blackwood Grand Prix Reversed Date: 23-5-2010 19:52:52
Laps: 192 Finished: 13 / 17
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 …McL…Bandes FZ50 GTR McLaren 2 1:08.530 2:120:03.430
2 [GL]Kajti FXO GTR Golden Lamas 1 1:08.730 +0:05.170
3 Kajaus FXO GTR Nimee-Ei-Keksitty - Racing 17 1:09.310 +0:47.260
4 Black XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 3 1:09.110 +0:50.930
5 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 10 1:09.590 +1 laps
6 HSR Weefelly/1 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing 7 1:09.360 +1 laps
7 TEM/Carrera GT FXO GTR Tiger Express Motorsports 9 1:09.590 +1 laps
8 [ADD]Aeropunk XR GTR All-Star Down-under Drifters 5 1:09.370 +2 laps
9 Riel XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 14 1:08.650 +2 laps
10 benGesaess XR GTR XCountryRacing 6 1:08.930 +2 laps
11 PublicEnemy FXO GTR PublicEnemy 8 1:10.190 +4 laps
12 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 15 1:11.760 +7 laps
13 GRiP SimRacing/3 FXO GTR GRiP Sim Racing (None)
1:09.730 +25 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 2

Track: Aston Historic Reversed Date: 13-6-2010 20:15:31
Laps: 193 Finished: 8 / 13
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 …McL…Bandes FZ50 GTR McLaren 1 2:23.260 3:180:37.260
2 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 3 2:23.750 +1:22.460
3 Riel XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 2 2:23.040 +1 laps
4 TEM/Carrera GT FXO GTR Tiger Express Motorsports 11 2:25.380 +1 laps
5 HSR Weefelly/1 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing 4 2:25.090 +1 laps
6 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 7 2:30.050 +4 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 3

Track: Westhill International Date: 4-7-2010 19:34:28
Laps: 192 Finished: 11 / 13
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 Black XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 2 1:32.350 2:120:41.800
2 Riel XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 4 1:31.390 +0:03.710
3 HSR Weefelly/1 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing 5 1:32.220 +0:07.720
4 …McL…Bandes FZ50 GTR McLaren 1 1:31.650 +0:27.850
5 HSR Rooney/2 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing 7 1:32.790 +1 laps
6 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 6 1:32.340 +1 laps
7 Kajaus FXO GTR Nimee-Ei-Keksitty - Racing 10 1:33.000 +1 laps
8 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 9 1:34.110 +3 laps
9 =NM= Growl FXO GTR -NM- 11 1:34.360 +8 laps
10 Muulka /3 FXO GTR Muulka (None)
1:35.580 +14 laps
11 [LSD]dabido/3 FXO GTR [LSD] (None)
1:39.450 +28 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 4

Track: South City Long Reversed Date: 12-9-2010 19:44:26
Laps: 193 Finished: 7 / 7
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 …McL…Bandes FZ50 GTR McLaren 1 1:31.930 3:181:43.290
2 TEM/Carrera GT FXO GTR Tiger Express Motorsports 2 1:32.740 +0:35.430
3 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 3 1:32.500 +0:36.760
4 Kajaus FXO GTR Nimee-Ei-Keksitty - Racing 5 1:33.600 +3 laps
5 Riel XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 4 1:33.790 +3 laps
6 SF/Calin FXO GTR SF 6 1:34.270 +6 laps
7 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 7 1:36.950 +6 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 5

Track: Kyoto Ring Grand Prix Date: 24-10-2010 20:01:34
Laps: 193 Finished: 5 / 10
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 Riel XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 1 2:16.700 3:182:14.940
2 …McL…Mazdarati FZ50 GTR McLaren 2 2:16.460 +0:07.260
3 HSR Weefelly/1 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing 3 2:15.980 +0:42.660
4 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 5 2:17.370 +1 laps
5 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 8 2:20.370 +2 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 6

Track: Aston North Date: 14-11-2010 19:40:46
Laps: 192 Finished: 7 / 9
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 …McL…Mazdarati FZ50 GTR McLaren 1 1:49.310 2:121:10.540
2 Kajaus/2 FXO GTR Nimee-Ei-Keksitty - Racing 2 1:50.370 +0:59.330
3 Michalxo FZ50 GTR Michalxo 4 1:51.300 +1 laps
4 ?(?Postal/2 FZ50 GTR Totally Crap Racing 6 1:53.750 +2 laps
5 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel 5 1:53.240 +2 laps
6 SFKemal /2 FXO GTR Team Surface Freedom 8 1:52.090 +4 laps
7 [RR] Luca/2 FZ50 GTR Rieti Racing Team (None)
1:52.660 +30 laps

Le Mans league season 3 race 7

Track: Kyoto Ring National Date: 2-1-2011 19:41:13
Laps: 192 Finished: 10 / 11
# Driver Car Team Qual Fastest Lap Race Time
1 Black XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 2 1:36.530 2:121:14.330
2 …McL…Bandes FZ50 GTR McLaren 1 1:36.240 +0:02.880
3 Riel/1 XR GTR Dutch Pole Combatants 11 1:36.330 +0:32.400
4 [ADD]Aeropunk XR GTR All-Star Down-under Drifters 9 1:38.200 +1 laps
5 pmw /3 FXO GTR Tomi/pmw 4 1:38.710 +1 laps
6 Tomi /3 FXO GTR Tomi/pmw 7 1:38.760 +2 laps
7 [TFS]Starbert /3 FXO GTR Team Fortuna Sittard (None)
1:39.840 +8 laps
8 HSR Weefelly/1 FXO GTR Hobo Stove Racing (None)
1:36.440 +14 laps
9 Daniel /3 XR GTR Daniel (None)
1:39.410 +37 laps
10 100%Declan FZ50 GTR Team 100% (None)
1:37.500 +51 laps